Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Speaking of summer, I already have rockin’ plans for the summer. I will be attending some of OKC’s coolest summer concerts. I’m kicking off my summer concert series this weekend. Friday night I’m going to see a cutie-puttee country star. I’m so excited! The second concert is in June. Are you ready for this? Sister #1 and I are going to see- Cyndi Lauper, B-52s, Joan Jett, and a few other people I don’t know. But I get to see Cyndi Lauper! When I asked Sister #1 if she wanted to accompany me to the concert she replied, who? Are you freakin’ kidding me? I about had a heart attack. Don’t worry folks, I quickly educated my sister. Thank goodness she knew who they were after I sang “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” and “Love Shack”. The third concert is in August- Dave Matthews. I’m super pumped to see Dave. It’s going to be a great concert. I purchased my tickets for Dave the weekend they went on sale. Now I just need a cool concert for July.
The YOY is back for me! In case you forgot YOY stands for…Year of Yes. I realize it’s been about four months since I’ve babbled about the YOY. Hopefully, you haven’t forgotten. Ok, fine quick review incase you have forgotten.....
Back in November Holly and I decided to make 2008 the Year of Yes. We decided we were going to say yes to all dates. Ring a bell now????
Anyway, I must say I was doing pretty dang good with YOY. Then I got a bit sidetracked from the YOY, but now I’m back on the straight and narrow path. I feel that I’m ready to take back the challenge of YOY. Actually, I’ve been back with YOY for two weeks. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just didn’t know if you guys would be ready for the big announcement.
I have super news for all ice cream fans out in Blogger World!!!! Tonight from 5-10 Baskin Robbins will be having a 31 cent scoop night. Participating stores will reduce prices of small ice cream scoops to 31 cents. They are honoring firefighters. I’m not a huge fan of ice cream but I’m all about honoring firefighters!
Last night I was able to participate in something really neat. Last night my Relay for Life committee hosted a Cancer Survivors Dinner for all the cancer survivors in my town. This is the fourth year my family has been part of this dinner, and like all previous years it was a huge success! I know the committee worked hard to make the evening special to all the cancer survivors. I actually got to give a short spill about Luminaries during the dinner. I knew I wasn’t going to have great things to say so I took a cute 4 year old up on stage with me. Thankfully, the cute 4 year old won the crowd over for me. It was a great evening and the dinner was amazing! Outback Steakhouse donated all the food and Brown’s Bakery made us individual cakes. I highly recommend both places.
Monday is Cinco de Mayo. I feel that it’s my duty to celebrate by eating Mexican food. Wouldn’t you agree it’s the right thing to do? Heck, I’m about to pitch an idea to my boss of working half day on Monday. I want to get a jump start on the eating part. Ok, scratch all that…my boss isn’t in the greatest mood. I think I’ll wait to pitch the half day idea.
Today during lunch I went back to the mall. Now before you get all judgy on me….I went for a specific reason. The new fab purse I bought yesterday had a make-up stain on it. Sista’ #1 pointed out the stain last night. It hacked me off because it was brand new, and I didn’t want to return the purse. I knew I didn’t put the stain on the purse so I felt it was only fair to return the purse. Anyway, I exchanged the purse today during lunch. You hear that Sista’ #1? I exchanged the purse. She made me promise her I’d take the purse back. Anyway, while I was there they were having a sale. It was Friends and Family day. I was so happy that Macy’s considered me a Friend and/or Family! I’m telling ya, it’s all about who you know in retail. Since they were having a sale I had to purchase something. I bought a new dress. It was 40% off and then I got an additional 20%. Who could pass up a deal like that? No one. Also, I need new clothes. I really do. I own absolutely nothing that fits anymore. Ok, I have some things that fit but mostly everything is too big. I’m sorry think what you want, but I need clothes to cloth myself.
So if you’d look to your right you’ve noticed that I just added this cool map feature to my blog. Ok, so the map has been there for about a month. Anyway, I think it’s neat to see where my readers are located. No I’m not stalking you guys; I just wonder where you are from. I now know where you are from…but who are you? Who’s reading my mindless babble, besides my aunt and cousin?
WELLL I believe I’ve Rambled enough for today. Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Who needs therapy?
Is there any other way to shop? I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’m not the only impulse shopper out there. However, if no one else is brave enough to admit the thrill of shopping impulsive than I’ll take all the blame/credit for this shopping technique.
Today has been a slow day at work. It’s been the type of day where a minute feels like an hour. The type of day where all you think about is food because you’ve looked at every cooking website known to man. I hate these types of days. When the clock finally hit 11:30 I was about to go crazy. I could sit one more minute in my lovely office, and I still had 30 more minutes before my normal lunch crew ate. It was at 11:34 when I decided to make a quick trip to the mall before meeting my lunch crew. Let me just say that working across the street from the mall can be very bad. Actually, I can’t think of one instance when working across the street from the mall has been beneficial? Yup, not one instance.
When I walked out of my office building I had decided I was on the hunt for a new purse. When I reached my car I had talked myself into buying the Coach purse I’ve been wanting for years. Once I came close to buying the purse, but I couldn’t justify spending all my rent money on one purse. Call me crazy, but I thought a warm house was better than a purse. I know I’m so not a girl! However, I decided today I would buy the purse. I figured this would be my reward for running the half marathon, making it through The Week from Hell, and still doing well in my MBA program.
I love impulse shopping. I feel better, purchased two cute things, and made it back in time for lunch. I had a yummy turkey sandwich waiting on me.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger
Sunday my alarm went off at 4:30am. When I heard my alarm go off I thought to myself…this really is stupid. Who in their right mind gets up at 4:30am to put their body through hell? Me.
Right now, I’d like to point out some cool moments about the race and then some of my random moments.
When everyone lined up at the starting line it was raining. Most people would say this wasn’t a cool thing, but I beg to differ. I ran my first mile and half wearing a trash bag. I, along with 16,000 other people looked like a California Raisin trotting through downtown OKC. The cool factor came into play when I tore off the trash bag and threw it on the ground. I felt like Superman.
Random Moment #1
After the Superman reenactment the race was pretty basic. I ran and rocked out with Little Shuffle. I must say, Little Shuffle did fantastic job on his first ½ marathon. I think I’m going to keep him. He proved that he can pump out great music when I need him. For instance, at mile 11 I was tired and he brought to the table- Rihanna, Kanye West, KT Tunstall and a little MC Hammer!
Cool Moment #2
Around mile 4 I randomly saw Guy #3 run past me. At races I usually don’t notice other runners around me, because I’m in the zone. However, it’s hard not to notice a guy when he totally cuts you off. After I comprehended that the idiot that cut me off and Guy #3 were one in the same, I was suddenly energized to continue running.
Also, a few miles later Guy #3 ran up behind me…which means for a small amount of time I was beating Guy #3! I know, I was excited too! However, this small amount of time was quickly gone when he zoomed past me.
Random Moment #2
At mile 8 I realized I’d wasted over an hour looking down at the ground instead of looking at all the good looking guys running past me. Girls, races are a great place to pick up guys. I mean, I didn’t because I looked like death, but if you are a girl that’s pretty when she runs…you should consider running races.
Cool Moment #3
This moment actually takes the cake of all the cool moments. Well I don’t know if it beats finishing, but it’s pretty dang close. At mile 10 I had two cheerleaders waiting for me! Sister #1 and Sista’ #1 (Tonya) screamed and clapped as I ran past them! Saturday night Sister #1 told me where they would be standing. The whole race I kept looking at street signs to see if I was getting close to them. So when I realized I was there I was so excited I almost wet myself. Of course, I didn’t because Sister #1 said I was not allowed to pee on myself. The hardcore runners pee on themselves instead of stopping to go. No, I’m serious. Anyway, two of my favorite people stood in the freezing cold to cheer me on as I finished the remanding three miles. A-mazing!!!
Random Moment #3
Realizing that if I ever make a will Sister #1 and Sista’#1 are going to be left something! It might just be my running shoes, but hey, they can dip them in gold and put it on their mantle. Yea, I realize it’s weird to think about death and wills while running but it really did go through my head.
Cool Moment #4
There was a lady standing on the side walk with a sign that said “2.25 left” and at that exact moment Little Shuffle threw Kayne West “Stronger” at me. I picked up my pace and started passing people. I knew I was almost done.
Cool Moment #5
When I turned the corner and saw all the people waiting for me to finish. Ok, fine they weren’t all there for me, but you wouldn’t know that by all the cheers I heard.
Cool Moment #6
I turned off Little Shuffle so I could hear all the cheers from the crowd. I knew the finish line was less than 100 hundred yards away and I was going to finish the race.
Cool Moment #7
Running through the finish line!
I’m ran the race in 2:19. My goal was 2:15. But after the Week from Hell and breaking in brand new shoes during a ½ marathon…I think I did a pretty fine job.
Friday, April 25, 2008
I survived and I deserve a medal!
I realize it’s annoying to hear/read someone’s complaints about HOOOOW BUSY they were. I get it, everyone is busy. But you guys don’t understand, I was actually busy.
Besides, this is MY blog and the title of the blog is This is my world, not your world my world. Therefore, I’m going to recap all the craziness that happened to me this week. So hold on to your hats folks, get ready for the recap of The Week from Hell!
Recap #1
This week was finals week. I have survived a lot of MBA finals week thus far; and this finals week shouldn’t be any different than the others. It gets crazy but that's it. WRONG! Monday night was my Accounting final. I’m not good at Accounting. I just don’t get along with numbers, unless it’s numbers going into my bank account! But by some miracle I had a 95 in the class. Ah, that 95 would be before the final. I’m just throwing out all this information so you guys don’t think I’m a complete idiot. Anyway, I was really proud of myself for having an A in my MBA Accounting class. I made up my mind thatI was going to work super hard to keep my A.
I studied my butt off Sunday and even left work early Monday to go home for more studying. When I finally took the accounting final I walked out of the room feeling like crap. Total crap. I didn’t know how to do the problems on the last two pages. I had to guess on about 10 questions. I was bummed, but trying to stay positive and thought I could possibly keep my A. It was a stretched but I thought maybe God would grant me this small request.
Recap #2
Again-finals week! Last night I had another final. This final was in Leadership. Sounds like an easy class doesn’t it? Well it was, until the final. My final in Leadership was over the 13 quizzes we’d taken up until the final. SOOOO 13 quizzes X 25 questions on each quiz = 325 possibly questions on my final!!!! I feel that I clocked a good 7 hours for this final. Ok, maybe not. No, actually it was about 7 hours. Ok, so I clocked a good 7 hours.
I studied Tuesday night and Wednesday night for this stupid test. However, studying for this test was somewhat fun, because of my study partners. I mean, it still sucked but at least I laughed a few times.
Recap #3
This happened yesterday! Guy # 3 calls me at work to let me know the Accounting test grades are posted online. Let’s just say I wasted a whole lot of time studying. I made a whopping 60!! I missed freakin’ Big Brother to study for that stupid test. Ok now you guys can think I’m an idiot, not because I watch Big Brother. My grade went from that beautiful A to a horrible looking C. AHHH! Luckily, I have one homework grade that saved me. I believe I pulled a B in the class. I’ll take a B, better than a C.
Recap #4
Again, takes place yesterday. Guy #3 calls me yet again! This time it’s to let me know I need to make a 77 on my Leadership final to keep my A in the class. What the crap! Does Guy # 3 not have anything else to do at work besides find ways to stress me out!!!!
This bit of information about kills me. I get so stressed that I leave work early to go study…but not before Recap #5 makes me want to blow what little brains I had left out.
Recap #5
As I posted earlier this week, Sunday I’m running a half marathon. Somewhere between Sunday and Wednesday I developed shin splits. Awesome! I thought maybe I was being a big baby so I kept trying to run with the minor case of shin splits. Again this is me thinking….I thought since I’m tough and strong the shin splits would just go away. WRONG! Yesterday they got so bad that my pro runner coworker told me to toss my brand new shoes and go buy new shoes. This along with about five other tips was the only way I was going to make it through the half marathon on Sunday. Yesterday I left work early to buy new running shoes and cram for my Leadership test. Now I have about 2 days to break in new running shoes. Double awesome!
See, that was a stressful week! But it’s over. Last night some classmates and I went out to celebrate passing Accounting and Leadership. Who would have thought those two finals would have caused so much stress?
Tonight I’m doing nothing. Really, I sitting on the couch and watching TV. Heck, I might just stare at the wall because I’m too tired to look for the remote to turn on the TV!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
2,1097.5 meters

Sunday morning my dad and I are running the OKC Memorial Marathon for the second time. Actually, we’ve participated in this race many times but this will be our second time to run the half marathon. I guess I should clarify how my dad and I run this race. I run the full 13 miles while my dad cheats and only runs 8 miles. He runs the first 4 miles with me to help me set my pace, because apparently after all these races I’ve ran I have no idea how to set my own pace. Anyway, after the first four miles he cuts off and meets me for the final four miles. It’s this cute bonding time we have together.
So yea, 13 miles on Sunday. Well its 13.1 miles to be exact or 2,1097.5 meters. Holy crap, I’m going to run over 2,000 meters on Sunday! I must say, that’s a heck of a lot. But I think I can do this. No strike that- I know I can do this. I’m ready for this race. Wish me luck….and this is how I want to finish the race. Well minus the dog and the snow and I won’t be wearing sweat pants. Ok fine! So I won’t look anything like this. Basically, I just want the Rocky theme song playing in the background! Anyway, Sunday…think of me.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anyway, I’m lying in bed watching this old episode when something hit me. RESPECT! I wouldn’t say this random thought just hit me. The episode was about Ashley getting mad because her father and Will wouldn’t treat her with respect. It was actually a good episode; I remembered it from back in the day. But Ashley did something in the episode that I’d felt like doing all day! She sings the famous R-E-S-P-E-C-T song. While Ashley was singing on TV, I wanted to stand on top of my bed and belt out the empowering lyrics myself. I wanted to sing to everyone I had come in contact with yesterday! Of course I didn’t, because I was home alone and no one would hear me. Well maybe the dogs next door.
Since I didn’t sing last night, I’m taking the time to sing now...or blogging about it and pretending that I'm singing to everyone from yesterday. Who would have thought Fresh Prince would bring so much clarity to me?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday Wise Words
I just forget to eat.' Now I've forgotten my address, my mother's maiden name, and my
keys. But I've never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat.
I couldn't agree more!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Friday Links
This article is for all the Starbucks junkies, including myself, out there. When we see this being sold at our local US Starbucks, I’m done with coffee. Yes, I realize Non-Fat Chai is not coffee but I give the illusion I’m drinking coffee. If you saw me on the street you would assume I’m drinking coffee, right? So back off, let me have my dream that I drink coffee!
I kind of want to bid on this for the pure fact that I think it’s stinking hilarious. I love Red Sox fans. I believe Red Sox fans are the perfect model for a true fan!
I think a similar situation took place at OSU last year, maybe two years ago. Instead of a baseball jersey someone spelled OU in bricks. HA! Oh come on, that’s funny! I tried to find an old article about OU being spelled in the OSU stadium, but I couldn’t find one. I swear I didn’t dream this up.
When I read this article it hacked me off. I’ve been preaching this for years, and now someone has went and stole my idea. My idea is such a good idea that there’s a whole industry dedicated to it. WHATEVER! If someone steals my Single Trips idea, it’s over. I’m taking them to court. I can take them on…I watch Shark, Eli Stone, and Boston Legal. I know law, just like I know Crime Investigating because of CSI.
Have you ever thought to yourself….I wonder how I can become an ass? If that thought has EVER crossed your mind you might need to look into purchasing this book. I sent this article to a few friends from school last night. They are always saying that girls dig complete asses. I disagreed with them. However, they didn’t believe me and argued with me. I mean, what do I know? I’m only a single woman. It’s not like I’d know anything about this subject. Stupid boys!
This disappoints me, only for the fact that I didn’t know about it sooner. Where was the cousin on this bit of information? I can’t believe I had to read about this on the internet. This is information that she should know. It’s her job to keep me up-to-date on all the Hollywood gossip. I’m about 99.9% sure she has not heard this exciting rumor. She’s a huge fan of this show, and I’m 100% certain if she knew she would have called me at work.
I couldn’t agree more with this recent study.
Well that’s all the links I have for you today. Hopefully, you were entertained and yet challenged mentally. If you learned two things, super. If you learned three, well my job is done.
Now if you would excuse me, I must dash off to be a hand model. No really, today I get to be a hand model. Seriously, could my life BE more exciting? I think not.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I ain’t got a motorboat but I can float your boat
I’m a big fan of having people over to my house. I’m also a big fan of cooking dinner for my friends. I truly believe I’m a superior friend. I mean, what person does not like having dinner cooked for them? No one I tell you. Friday night I had two friends over for pizza and salad. The pizza was semi-homemade. I assembled the pizza myself, cut the veggies myself, and put it in the oven myself. Again, it was semi-homemade; I did not make the dough. Why spend time making homemade pizza dough when you can go to the grocery store and buy it made? I guess at the same time you could ask me….why do you make semi-homemade pizza when you can call Papa Johns? Fair question, but my pizza was far better than anything Mr. Johns could whip up!
I was up early for a 5K race. I’m proud to report I ran one of my fastest 5Ks at this race. I ran it in 29 minutes. I am pretty sure my exact time was 29:45 or 29:55 but I like to focus on the 29 part. I finally ran a race in under 30 minutes. I was so excited! The rest of Saturday could have been total crap and I’d still had a super day. But the rest of the day wasn’t crap. After doing some random shopping around town, Sister #1 and I headed home to see Sister #2 off to her prom. Yup, little Sister #2 went to prom. AHHHHH….
Sister #2 looked beautiful. She’d gone to get her hair, nails, make-up done and it all looked great.
I was up early again for more running. I’d planned to run six miles, but instead I ran 8 miles. I was so excited that I ran eight miles that I rewarded myself with a big Starbucks!
After I devoured my Starbucks it was off to church. Of course, I couldn’t really sit still after drinking a massive Starbucks. I changed sitting positions a good 30 times. I’m sorry; caffeine has that affect on me.
Later in the afternoon I went to get a fabulous haircut. As a woman, I sometimes get restless/pissed off with my hair. This usually happens after a week of horrible hair days. I have found that the best solution for this problem is to make an appointment at the nearest hair salon for a hair chop. These are usually my best haircuts because I walk into the salon not caring what happens to my hair just as long as they make it fixable. This hair appointment was one of those hair appointments. But an hour later my bad hair days were over. The fabulous haircut turned out fabulous. Sister #1 thought my hair looked the same. I know for a fact it did not look the same. But to be fair, Sister #1 doesn’t know what she’s talking about half the time.'s the truth.
Friday, April 11, 2008
First EVER Links
But today, the writer muses are smiling down on me. I feel the inspiration! Actually, I’ve finished all my work for the day and I’m bored. Yea, it’s only 8:42 so it’s either post something or stare into space for two hours.
My writing hero, Sports Guy on ESPN, does a weekly article called Links. He finds random websites/articles and post them for his readers to check out. His readers, like mine, do not work at their jobs. Oh come on, your checking my blog during your work hours, you are not that hard of a worker. It’s ok; don’t get upset, I’m kidding! Anyway, here are my links. Enjoy….
So I just discovered an earth shattering thing. I have to run 53 minutes to burn off the breakfast burrito I just ate. Seriously! My coworker and I spent twenty minutes looking up random foods on this website. Did you know that Krispy Kreme doughnut has less fat than a Sonic Breakfast Burrito?
It’s good to see that this guy is still getting press. It would be a shame if he became a has-been.
For all you single and visiting lots of random coffee shops. Maybe these tips will help. I especially like #5. Although, I’m usually the person saying…could you turn that down I’m trying to study for Finance and your AKON is disturbing me.
My favorite line from this article…. He won't serve as a "literary callboy," he says. Really, why not? I think “literary callboy” would look super on a resume.
Well that’s all the links I have for you today. Hey, I can’t entertain you all day!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
And I'm too sexy for your party
**I woke up before my alarm went off. Bonus to this point…. I woke up feeling good. I didn’t wake up feeling like someone hit me over the head with a baseball bat.
**Since I wasn’t rushing around like a mad woman I was able to make myself mini blueberry muffins and fresh squeezed orange juice. Ok by fresh squeezed, I mean I opened a frozen can of orange juice and squeezed it into a pitcher. Hey, I didn’t have all morning…I still had to get to work.
**This morning getting dressed was a snap. I would say most mornings I can get dress without problems, but occasional you have your “I feel fat and nothing fit days”. This week my company is doing jeans week. I’ve decided wearing jeans to work is fabulous.
**My hair looks dang good. I’m having a good hair day. I love good hair days. I woke up to a rainy morning, so technical my hair should be doing this half straight half curl thing. But today, it decided to cooperate and go straight.
**I left my house a few minutes early. YEA FOR ME! I left so early that I had time to stop by my Starbucks and get a nonfat Chai, without being ten minutes late to work.
Bonus to this point….my giftcard that I thought was $10 is really $20.
**When I finally made it to work I had lots of work waiting on me. Trust me, this is a good thing.
**This is the kicker for the morning. The copier that I fight with every day jammed. I usually get pissed and say curse words, thinking that will fix the copier. However, since I’m in such a great mood…I kicked the crap out of the machine and it start spitting out my papers. It was much needed therapy.
As you can see, it has been a great morning. I just emailed Holly telling her if ANYONE gets me out of this great mood I will punch them in the face. I’m serious. I already beat the crap out of the copier; I’m not scared to take on a living human. Bring it on! Now if you would excuse me, I’m going to steal a bacon, egg, & cheese biscuit from a meeting going on downstairs. YES, I know I already had muffins, but I don’t care- I’m hungry!
The title of the post is taken from the song "I'm too Sexy". It's playing on the radio right now. I believe it's going to be my theme song today.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
This week has been a boring week. There’s been a few exciting things, but the week as a whole has been boring. I think it’s because of all the rain we received. I find that rain makes people tired and boring. Still, I feel it’s my duty, as a good blogger, to post something for my two faithful readers. So here’s a run down of the exciting things from the week.
Fried Chicken…
I finally experienced the infamous Eischens!
I’ve been told it’s the oldest bar in Oklahoma. Their menu is small- Fried Chicken, Fried Okra, Nachos, Beer, Coke, and Water. We ordered everything on the menu. I have to say…it was pretty good and the place itself is cool.
It’s tornado season. Sunday morning. No scratch that…. it was Monday at 1:30am when the sound of tornado sirens woke me from my sleep. I knew Sister #1 wouldn’t want to miss all the fun so I woke up her to watch TV with me. We turned on the TV to find my boy Gary England informing the Greater OK area that a tornado had touched down in my town. Of course, they weren’t 100% certain it had touched the ground because the power was out and it was dark outside. I’m sure if I hadn’t been so tired I might have been more scared, but it was 1:30 in the morning. After about 30 minutes of Gary England, Sister #1 and I decided we were in the clear.
I have a date with this man August 13th.
SO excited! I bought two tickets Sunday evening. Who’s the lucky person to sit beside me? Sister #1. The concert will be 2 days before I graduate with my MBA.
Little Shuffle…
Tuesday I ran with Little Shuffle. It was ok. I miss Big Shuffle. I miss the music I had on Big Shuffle. I’m running tonight so maybe things will be different.
Sunday I’m running one of my favorite races.

But on the plus side, my dad has decided to take up biking. He has never biked. He’s biking his first race on Saturday, its 33 miles. Then my dad thinks he’s going to run 6 miles on Sunday. Now my dad is an awesome man, but he’s not that awesome. Let’s say he can walk after he bikes on Saturday; he’ll try to run on Sunday. If this unfolds like I think it will, he bikes and runs back-to-back days; the odds that I’ll kick his butt on Sunday are HUGE! I’ve never beat my dad in a race. Sad I know!
Well I think this is all I have for you today.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Please meet...

Little Shuffle replaced Big Shuffle Sunday afternoon. I hadn’t planned on replacing Big Shuffle, because Big Shuffle and I had a great relationship. He played constant great music and I ran. It worked for us. However, that was before Big Shuffle decided he was done playing constant great music. At the moment, Big Shuffle is MIA… which sucks when you are trying to train for a ½ marathon!
Sunday, I tore my house upside down looking for the stupid iPod and turned up with nothing. Seriously, how do you lose an iPod? I was so frustrated that I couldn’t find it; I just went out and bought a whole new one. I was in and out of Wally World in less than 10 minutes. I meant business on Sunday! I needed to run and I needed my music. I had the new iPod charged and loaded with 10 new songs in less than 30 minutes.
Last night, when I should have been paying attention to Accounting, I downloaded more songs for Little Shuffle. I think I have quite the mix for running. I guess we’ll see tonight. I have a date with the pavement. I’ll let you know how everything goes.