3:40am- Alarm goes off-hit snooze
3:45am- See Above
3:50am- See Above
3:55am- See Above, but think about getting up
4:00am-Jump up freaking out that I only have 30 minutes to get ready for the day
4:30am-Run out the door with water and Strawberry FiberOne Bar in hand
5:00am-Pull into the airport parking lot for my flight to Small Town, TX
5:15am-Four other coworkers and I take off in a private jet (yes I felt like a Rock Star) to go to Small Town, TX
5:45am-Eat a doughnut, while flying in private jet, hoping the sugar will give me energy-failed attempt
5:46am-Read the Daily Oklahoman
5:59am-Finished the entire Daily Oklahoman, which I only do when I’m on flight with nothing to do
6:05am-Land in Small Town, TX
6:06am-Pick up rental car to drive to Smaller Town, TX
7:00am- Arrive in Smaller Town, TX
7:05am-Meet coworkers that live in Smaller Town, TX
8:00am-Breakfast with coworkers from Smaller Town, TX (yes it was my 3rd breakfast)
9:00am-With safety glasses, hard hat, and steel toe boots on, off to a job site…yes I was looking hot
9:30am-Arrived at job site for a tour of everything being done there
11:00am-Back to Smaller Town, TX office for more chatting and sitting around
12:00pm-Lunch…which consist of Chicken Fried Steak covered in tons of gravy along with fries-yes I ate everything
1:30pm- Quick side trip to do a drive by of this
place2:45pm-Back in airplane for flight home…and about three seconds away from throwing up everything I’ve eaten the whole day
3:45pm -Land and about two seconds away from throwing up everything-it was a bumpy landing
4:30pm-Back at my casa to finish up random things for class
6:00pm- Class
7:00pm-Ready to die
7:08pm- So tired I’m seeing stars
8:00pm-Still in class
9:00pm-Still in class, but not even for sure what’s being discussed
9:30pm- Barely able to walk out of class
10:00pm-Home and in bed
Ok, so that's a normal day for this Bachelorette. I usually don't take a private jet to Small Town, TX and I never wear my hard hat. I do own one, but I don't wear it very often. Oh yea, and I don't ever get up at 3:45am!