Happy Wednesday. I thought to celebrate I would give you Ramblings....
I'm happy to report I won my first Fantasy Football game. However, I lost my second game. To be fair, the lost was not my fault. The manager of my team traded one of our players without consulting me. Remember I'm just the co-manager. Anyway, our new player scored 6 points. The player he traded, scored 15 points for his new team. Told you it wasn't my fault.
This morning I overslept because I'm tired. I still made it to work on time, but walking into my office I found myself questioning things.
Do my shoes match? Did I brush my teeth? Can you see through my pants? My shoes matched. I'm pretty sure I brushed my teeth, and in the elevator I made sure you couldn't see through my pants. I can imagine the security guys loved that!
Tomorrow night I'm going to a concert, Maroon 5 and Train. It's an outdoor concert, which are my favorite. Also, I'm a huge fan of both groups. I'm pretty certain it will be a good concert. If not, there's always people watching.
This weekend I'm participating in another 5K/obstacle course race. If you remember, my last 5K/obstacle course race was not a pleasant experience; mostly because it was 105 outside. I'm praying the cooler temperatures make all the difference. If not, I'm retiring from 5K/obstacle course races.
Sister #1 returned from NYC. She brought me a souvenir. No, it's not something from H&M or Dean and Dulca. It's
jam, and I love it! Sister #1 discovered a great grocery store next to her friend's apartment. Sister #1 loved the grocery store so much, she went twice a day. You might think this is odd, but I would do the same thing.
New realization...I'm ready to retire. I'm kind of over this working thing. It really sucks! Who came up with the idea of working? I'm tired of making someone else rich. I'm tired of taking orders. I'm tired of wearing dress pants. I'm tired of paying for work attire! I'm tired of sitting in a gray foam cubicle. Obviously, this realization means I need to find a rich husband
Blogger World, that's all I have for today...