Friday, January 21, 2011

This week

I've learned a couple things. Important things. Since I'm all about educating my readers, I thought I would share my new found knowledge.

1. Vacations are important for the soul.

2. The chick from 90210 needs to eat a burger.

3. Sometimes life isn't fair.

4. Traveling makes me hungry. Monday I ate breakfast, twice. It was different time zones.

5. If someone would develop a way to have one password for multiple programs, they would be a millionaire. No, a billionaire.

6. Life is a bit more pleasant if you have fun coworkers.

7. I do well with four day weeks.

8. Today is hug day, and squirrel day.

And, I think that's all I've learned this week. What have you learned this week? They say you should learn something new everyday. Ok, maybe I made that last fact up, but it's believable.


Chell said...

It's great that you are "learning new things"! Nobody likes a "know-it-all"! LOL

Julie M. said...

Oh my gosh, when I saw it was squirrel day I just about spit out my drink. I actually ran over a squirrel (by accident) when driving alex to school this morning. I've felt pretty guilty about it all day and now I realize I did it on squirrel day! Eek!

Thanks for the heads up on the Caesar pizza, I'll have to check it out!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

What did I learn this week? I'm a slug without structure.

PennyCandy said...

What did I learn this week? That finding your blog and reading it is a good thing.