Last night I had my date with R&R. He cooked dinner and then we went to a play. Blogger World, I'm happy to report I had a good time. No, I really did. Despite my last post, it was fun and not once did I want to stab my right eye out. I guess we can all say that OK Chick might have jumped the gun on this whole thing. Ok fine, I completely jumped the gun. I was wrong and all of you guys were right! Who knows what will happen, but I had fun and it was an enjoyable evening.
Blogger World that's my update. Sadly this post must end, I need to warm up my Oatmeal. Happy Friday!
The worst thing that could happen is you might have to delete a couple of posts. So glad I ran into you Wednesday night. I meant to tell you good luck on the date. Doesn't seem like you needed any. ;)
"Sadly this post must end, I need to warm up my Oatmeal. Happy Friday!" - best post ending ever.
Congrats on the good date!
Ok, ok, I am here!! Yes that is Jordan. And really "she was in love with them"?? Really??!! What kind of statement is that??!! I am offended!! The correct statement is "she IS in love with them"!!!! I really hope Joey Joe didn't read your blog and is not sad cuz he thinks I don't love him anymore!!
On a lighter note, congrats on R&R guy!!
wow! I am glad that the date with R&R went well. Perhaps he was just a bit too excited.
I'm really glad that I was wrong.
and what did you say about the NKOTB? LOL! I guess I don't have to tell you that yeah, that's Jordan. When I saw them I wasn't close enough to tell them apart. I've still got the video around here though... I wonder if it still will play. Our Wedding video got torched from being in storage too long.
Oh NKOTB. Drool.
YAY about the date!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, you're not gonna become one of those girls who gets a boyfriend and then disappears from the blogospher are you?
Ok, first it doesn't post. Then it posts twice. Uff da!!!
TC, I could never leave Blogger World. I'm here to stay.
You "believe" that is Jordan? Geez, I guess I should've posted a picture with my Where Are They Now:NKOTB post.
Hey! It's been a couple years since I've paid attention to New Kids on the Block. I forgot all their names.
I liked Jordan, you are right he is the one in the red. He's still the best looking now actually. :-)
I liked Jordan, you are right he is the one in the red. He's still the best looking now actually. :-)
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