These past few weeks I have been pretty frustrated with my non-motivated butt, but last night I finally found motivation! Blogger World, I watched a two hour episode of The Biggest Loser. The show motivated me so much that I wanted to start working out right then, during the show. So throughout the show, Sister #1 and I kept doing crunches, lunges, and push-ups. I am fully aware that we looked like big dorks, no need to flood the comment box with this information. Sister #1 and I were so motivated that we worked out while our TV friends on The Biggest Loser worked out. Heck, Sister #1 got so motivated that she went to Wally-World, during a commercial break, to purchase an exercise ball. When I went to bed last night I was excited about my new found motivation. I set my alarm for 5:15am. I was going to attend an early aerobics class.
Well, this morning 5:15am hit me like a brick wall. I’m sad to report that I did not roll out of bed when my alarm went off. Instead, I hit snooze and went back to bed for another hour. A minor set back. I’m sure my body just needed to recover from all the crunches and push ups. Do not fret, my motivation is still intact. Later today you will find me and Little Shuffle running many circles around the track. I don’t care if show up to my church meeting all sweaty and stinky. I’m happy the old me is back.
Note to self: watch the Biggest Loser. I need some motivation :-/
my motivation? getting back into my old jeans. Today I went to get dressed and all my brand new bigger sized jeans were in the wash. So I went to the old smaller pairs and just prayed I could get one on w/o splitting a seam.
Well all my working out has worked and my prayers were answered, cuz not only could I get into my small jeans, they're not so tight that it hurts to sit in them! actually they're just a tiny bit loose!
Woo Hoo!
Now to get back into the super tight jeans with out them killing me!
TC- Yes you must watch it next week.
Renee- Way to go. I'm very proud of you!
I weighed last week and realize I had gained eight pounds over the holidays (Thanksgiving/Christmas/Festivus/New Orleans).
That was motivation enough for me. So I froze my butt off running Sunday, Monday, and yesterday.
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