Last week, The Roommate and her husband invited MrT and I over for dinner. We were the newly married couple’s first dinner guest. I must say, being someone’s first dinner guest is quite an honor. The Roommate made a superb meal for everyone and the conversation throughout the meal was great!
Sidenote: I would add the picture of MrT and I, from that night, but it wasn't good. Actually, MrT looked fine. I on the other hand, looked like death. Really, I did.
Anyway, one of the dinner conversations from that night was about our friend ML. He’s the guy that’s currently living it up in Japan. Someone at dinner had the great idea of visiting ML’s favorite Oklahoma Pancake establishment, Bev’s. We thought it would be fun to eat at Bev’s and have a Japanese Pancake Night;
which Japanese Pancakes are just regular pancakes eaten with chopsticks. Yes, we totally made that up!
Monday night, The Roommate, The Roommate’s Husband, MrT, and I all ate at Bev’s in honor of ML. Here are some pictures of Japanese Pancake Night…..

MrT and I eating our Japanese Pancakes. See, this picture is much better! And look at MrT's cool glasses! Aren't those cool? I wish I would have woren my cool glasses. No, I really have cool glasses...they're red.

The Roommate and The Roommate's Husband enjoying Japense Pancakes. Actually, The Roommate is eating Eggs Benedict. I guess she didn't get the memo that it was Japanese PANCAKE Night! I kid, I kid!
I must say it was a fun night!
ah ha! more of the story! I'm glad to get the rest of the picture. I didn't think you looked that bad in the dinner party pictures.
I don't know how to eat eggs benedict with chopsticks though...that would be hard! hee hee
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