OK, you're the cookie guru. What's a "lacy" oatmeal cookie? And will you be posting about/eating a lacy oatmeal cookie today? :)
Folks, this proves once again that I know way too much about food, but at the same time I’m honored. For starters, the emailer called me a cookie guru. Hello, if that doesn’t say rock star status, then I don’t know what does. Second, I'm asked about a certain cookie. It’s an honor. I proudly wear the Cookie Guru Badge! And to answer this person’s email, this is a Lacy Oatmeal Cookie; which I must say resembles some of my mom's oatmeal cookies.

For some reason, I'm craving an oatmeal creme pie right about now. I haven't had one of those in FOREVER! :)
I think your Mommy should make your blog readers some lacy oatmeal cookies to celebrate, no?
Enjoy the honor. I can think of no one who deserves it like you do.
now I have to go shopping for cookie supplies.
Renee: You don't have cookie-baking supplies on-hand?!?!?! I'm very disappointed in you :(
I'll see what I can do on the cookies, TC.
Seriously Renee, no cookie supplies???
I walked to Target yesterday afternoon and bought OCPs to celebrate O:)
(Don't worry, I needed other stuff too.)
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