Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Way I See It #26

This morning I went to Starbucks. It's the first time I've been in three weeks. I know! For the past three weeks, I've been making my own Chais. I decided I'd been lazy enough, and I was very capable of making my own Chai. But with all that said, sometimes it's nice to be lazy. Ok not really. I went this morning because: A) I was out of my Oregon Chai; and B) Sister #1 gave me one of her Starbucks giftcards. I think she only thought there was $5 on the card. Boy was she wrong, there's $20. HA! I do not have to tell you people how much this excites me.

In the spirit of Starbucks, I thought I'd share some of their wisdom. Starbucks has brought back The Way I See It. Again, excites me to know end. You know, it's the little things in life.
Wisdom from Starbucks....

Failure's hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you're successful at the wrong thing, the mix of praise and money and opportunity can lock you in forever.
-Po Bronson (Author of What Should I Do with My Life)

PS- This morning I tried an Apple Chai. LOVE IT!


TC said...

The way I see it is that only someone who has been successful would say that...

Yay for $20 to Starbucks!

Renee Nefe said...

the way I see it... fear of failure or success shouldn't keep you from trying'll never know until you try.

I'd be spending that $20 on Strawberry Frapachinos! Yum!

Bone said...

Exactly! That's why I roll in mediocrity. Not showing off, not falling behind.

Ally said...

Yeah for free Starbucks gift cards! Never had apple chai, but it sounds worth trying. I have a $45 SB giftcard and am itching to use it.