Anyway, Thursday equals Good TV Night. Yet, tonight I am skipping Good TV Night. Rare, I know. No, I’m not sick. NO, I don’t have a date. Will you let me explain?
A couple weeks ago I noticed one of the major TV networks was promoting National Stay at Home Week. For some reason this rubbed me the wrong way. I think I hated being told I should stay home for an entire week just to watch TV; or maybe it was because I felt like they wanted everyone to become a couch potato. I know, they are not promoting being a couch potato.
But you see, with a country that is constantly discussing obesity among children and the amount of time children spend in front of the TV; shouldn’t we be promoting something else, maybe National Turn Off Your TV? Why doesn’t this network encourage families to eat dinner together, or go outside to enjoy the great fall weather?
As a TV junky, I think the world might be a better place if we turned off the TV and ventured outside our houses. So tonight I will not be staying home to watchTV. Instead, I’m going to a high school football game with my family.
If we could get any tv signal at all we wouldn't have cable...but alas we live where the mountains block the signals and they don't allow us to put outdoor antenae up. bummer
But I'm with you about turning off the TV...now if I could only turn off the computer too. sigh
oh and we don't have anything but basic cable and no TIVO...just a dvd/vcr player.
Hey, don’t judge. All the money you spend on cable, I spend on vacations to NYC, Europe, and Hawaii. See, there’s a method to my madness.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm in total agreement.
Hope the football game was good! I managed to score (read: my friend managed to score) last minute FREE tickets to the Brewers game last night, so there was no TV in my life. I mean, watch Ryan Braun hit a grand slam bottom of the 10th for a win at Miller Park... or watch TV I don't even like? Tough, tough choice.
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