Monday, April 13, 2009

Shake it like a polaroid picture

Don’t worry; we won’t be shakin’ anything today, or ever. The post title has nothing to do with today’s post- NOTHING. To be honest, this morning I heard the song, and thought it’d be a fun post title. So for all you that were prepared to shake it, I’m sorry to disappoint you. However, I am going to talk about Date 2 with Guy #5. Hopefully, that brightened your spirits?

Guy #5 and I met through a friend. She thought we’d be prefect together. I’ve discovered we’re not, and now I’m questioning if this friend even knows me! I’m kidding, it wasn’t that bad. Since I didn’t do a break down for the first date, I figured I’d do a break down for the second date…

Food (5)
I don’t even have to tell you guys how much I enjoy food. So food is high on my list!
Guy #5 took me to one of my favorite restaurants-good thing. HOWEVER, he did not pick the restaurant-very bad thing. When he picked me up I asked where we were going to eat. He replied- I don’t know, where you want to go. STRIKE ONE! Guys for the love of goodness, when you ask a girl out on a date HAVE A PLAN! GOT IT- have a plan! Side note on this issue: Guy #5 did this on our first date too, but I let it slide because it was a first date. But despite the strike one, the food was amazing! I’m giving him a five because he agreed to eat at one of my favorite restaurants, but at the same time I took five points away because I had to pick the restaurant. If I didn’t like this particular place so much, I’d deduct six points. Yes, I feel that strongly about this issue.
Conversation (4)
He talks, therefore he gets four points. Actually, at the restaurant we had good conversation. We talked about our faith and views on religion. However, after our religion conversation it was difficult to find other topics.
Here’s the problem he enjoys his job, which is something I really like in a guy. But, he and I work in the same industry, to be more specific the same department, just different companies. So when he talks about work (which he does often), it’s like having a conversation with one of my coworkers. And I don’t want to have a conversation with one of my coworkers on a date. I would say most of our date was spent discussing work. I even tried to steer the conversation to other topics, but it always led back to work. By the end of the date I took the SCREW IT attitude and just let him talk about anything, which was work.
Politeness (9)
Guy #5 is very nice. He’s a genially nice guy. He is polite and seems to be a caring guy.
No complaints in this area.

As you can read, not such a hot second date. I mean, it wasn’t horrible, but I’m not rushing for a third date. Guy #5, as I said earlier, is a really nice guy. He’s a Christian, has a great job, and seems to have a good head on his shoulders. All things I look for in a guy. I hate that I’m not interested. However, he’s not for me. My friends tell me I should give him another chance, but I don’t think that will happen. Why continue this act when I know it’s not going to work out? Oh well, it was nice to go out on a few dates.


TC said...

I think it's good of you to end it now if you know it's not going anywhere.

Besides, you deserve nothing but the best. Don't settle for anything but, okey dokey?

Renee Nefe said...

I hate that I’m not interested. However, he’s not for me. My friends tell me I should give him another chance, but I don’t think that will happen. Why continue this act when I know it’s not going to work out? Oh well, it was nice to go out on a few dates.

Don't beat yourself up for it not clicking with this guy. This is why we takes a lot of kissing frogs before you get your prince.
I don't think that you should have to give him another chance. Your argument that it's like going out with your coworker is enough to put an end to tried to steer the conversation to other topics and he just can't let work go. That's enough! Time to move on.

I think that Guy #6 needs to come from somewhere else. ;) Good luck in finding him. This dating thing is so hard.

Emily said...

I vote you give him another chance. He has a lot of good qualities, like you said. I don't think one more date would be a big deal ( I say that like it's my life or something). And tell him HE has to pick the restaurant.

ann said...

Good call. I'm a firm believer in "when you know, you know" and the converse is also true... "when you know it's not, you know it's not." Even if he is a great guy, he's not any less of a great guy if you two don't click.

d.j. iverson said...

aaaaand done. Anything more is both of you wasting your time. Boring people do not suddenly become interesting.

Anonymous said...

Oi, sou o Clausewitz e gostaria de convidar você para visitar meu Blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

Bone said...

Man, when I first saw "Food (5)" I thought you were using a five star rating system and that the food was perfect.

My policy is always to give it at least two dates. (Except for the couple of times when I decided to give it three. Both mistakes.) And as you can see, that clearly has worked out well for me :)

Also, I'm starting to lose track with these guys. Maybe you should start giving them nicknames.

Ally said...

I like how you broke the date analysis down, and I'm with you on a guy having a plan--or at least two suggestions and letting you pick. I hate it when the guy wants me to pick b/c I don't know how much he wants to spend, etc., plus I am indecisive and want to date someone who is better at decisions than me.

Oh well, at least the date wasn't bad, but I can see why you'd have a hard time getting excited about another date with him. Long-term the work talk would get really old.

Jordan Watson said...


I have no idea who you are haha. I just randomly stumbled upon your site through my friend D.J. Iverson's site. But i took some time to jump around and read some of your posts

I thought I'd just drop you a note to say only a few things about this Guy #5 who i have no idea who he is... while i think your friends are thinking of you by encouraging you to give a "nice guy" a second chance... all i can say is that just because he seems to be a nice guy doesn't mean he is THE guy or even A guy to pursue.

Sounds like you want a a person who is thoughtful (i.e. actually plans dates ahead of time), mysterious (has some flare in the conversation), interesting (doesn't just talk about one or two things), and is passionately faithful to God... bye #5

I'm with you... no third date should happen... settling even just for a third date with anything less wouldn't be good... even if he does "seem" nice! Good Luck with the next dude.

Scotty said...

I like the idea of asking if there is somewhere they really want to go, then if not, there is always my choice.

And of course, it is awesome :)