Tuesday, September 8, 2015

3 Day Weekend

Blogger World, you know I love a good 3 day weekend! I always feel like I get so much more accomplished with the extra day. This one was no different. A tiny bit of work was paired with a whole lot of fun! 

Postcard Puppies came for the weekend. 
They handled the city life pretty well.  No one escaped from the backyard, and neither dog destroyed my house. 

Delicious food was consumed over the weekend. 
I tried three new recipes. The first two pictures are two of the new recipes. I made black bean chicken taco/nachos.

Squash casserole. It was good, but not great. 

I didn't spend all weekend in the kitchen. Canada Travis and I enjoyed a tasty pizza and appetizers at Hideway Pizza.

Since I consumed so much delicious food, Jazzercise classes were necessary. I went to four classes over the weekend. My legs are sore from yesterday's 

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend! 


Renee Nefe said...

Glad that the dogs didn't destroy the house.

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Sounds yummy!

OK Chick said...

Renee- me too!

Robin- thankS