Canada Travis and I have decided to go camping for a week. Did you read that...a week! As in seven days. In theory, a week long camping trip sounds very fun. Seven days of mother nature and s'mores. How can eating s'mores and chili for seven days be horrible?
Confession: I do not look this pretty when I camp.
Another Confession: No one looks this pretty when they camp!
This will be the third year Canada Travis and I have gone camping together. Our previous trips have been a blast. We always have fun, eat great food, and find projects to keep us busy. But did I mention all other camping trips have been three days? Seven days is new for us.
I'm sure I'll be able to handle seven days in the woods, right? Can you tell I'm starting to get nervous about seven days in the woods? What was I thinking when I agreed to this? Let's hope this isn't me on day 5...
You know, Cool Coworker and her husband are going to Jamaica for eight days. Why didn't I think of Jamaica! I could hang out on the beach for eight days!
Wait, I want to switch destinations.
Is it too late to switch destinations?
Blogger World, wish me luck on my seven day camping trip!
yeah, Jamaica sounds way better! :D The thing with camping can always bail if the going gets too tough. Good luck!
You're right Renee!!! If all else fails I can head home early.
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