Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Thoughts

Will someone get this lady a hamburger?

Obviously, Angelina is not on Pinterst. Otherwise she would know strong is the new skinny.

And they say we don't know what's in style!


Renee Nefe said...

ah so my butt was in style, I just never knew it before. ;o)

and what floors me is every time you hear a rumor that Angelina is pregnant because she doesn't have enough body fat to get pregnant. One day she is just going to fall over. sigh

I really like the Strong one. :D

Michelle said...

LOL, she does look scary skinny, like maybe she doesn't take care of herself. I mean I only have 1/2 as many kids as her and I could totally understand how that might happen! I started working out yesterday, I'm more then sore today, but the best cure is to work out again....

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Yes, I would much rather be STRONG than skinny. Unfortunately I'm neither one!!! But at least I'm not obese. :)

Cap'n John said...

I love that Nike ad.

Gena said...

Yes, let's hope she finds a hamburger soon. Hey, I realized I passed you the other day after it was too late to wave. So, (internet wave!!!) Hope you're having a good week.

Renee Nefe said...

I think that in order to get Angelina to eat that hamburger you would have to put it in a blender first so she doesn't recognize it as a burger...maybe add some seaweed powder so it looks like it is some diet drink. ;o)