Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

Folks, I'd like to take a moment to talk about jeggings.

First of all, I want to point out that spell check does not even recognize the word jeggings. And I for one, am a firm believer that if spell check does not recognize a word, then we should not use the word. Except my name. Spell check does not recognize my name, but I fully believe my name is usable. My name is very normal, average if you will. It's just spelled abnormal. Hey, it's not my to my mom.

Sorry side tracked, back to jeggings.....
I believe this is the new fashion trend. Of course, I really don't know the newest fashion trends. I try to keep up but sometimes it doesn't happen. For instance, right now I've been sporting yoga/running pants every night. Frankly, I think that is a great fashion trend, and every morning I try to figure out how I can pull it off for work. But it hasn't happened yet. Anyway, side tracked again. I do apologize this morning. My brain medicine obviously hasn't kicked in yet.
SO, I was down with the leggings trend. I'm huge fan of leggings. I wear them almost every Sunday to church. I think they are cute. In my opinion it completes a dress. However, I don't know if I can jump on board with the jeggings trend. Who is wearing jeggings? How am I suppose to wear these things? These are questions I need answered before I jump on board. I've seen signs of models wearing jeggings, but I can't pull off how they wear the fashion trend. Let's take this drop dead super model. She is wearing jeggings....Blogger World, if you are like the rest of the world. You know, the part of the society that eats food, not just celery, how are you suppose to wear the jeggings? Do I just put a big shirt over these suckers and call it good? If so, what if I get mistaken for trying to dress up as a ghost or accused of wearing a Moo-Moo, or even asked when I'm due with my 3rd child? What then? I need answers to these questions!


Renee Nefe said...

I think that it is safe to say that for the good of all mankind that jeggings are not for me. Luckily my local clothing store has not tried to shove these down my throat...yet.

I have seen them in my daughter's clothing department...she tried them on and while she is a skinny minny (rocking the body that I used to have) she has decided to pass on these too.

Perhaps jeggings just aren't for normal body shapes. Perhaps jeggings are just another attempt by clothing makers to make us look as ugly as possible.

I may have to start sewing my own clothes.

Gena said...

Ok, I don't have the time to figure out how to make this a clickable link, but here is a wonderful blog on the subject from one of my favorite bloggers. She's got the look down: I guess just copy and paste this....

Bone said...

I just had a flashback to my skin tight Wrangler phase of the early nineties. *shudder*

By the way, I'm getting you some good ol' Southern white sauce for Christmas. You can dip your celery in it.

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Never heard of them before. Thanks for bringing me up to date but I doubt I'll be wearing them...